It is important for investors to understand that every investment has its own set of risks. One key to successful investing is to recognize the different types of risks that could be a threat to one’s financial well-being and to take steps to minimize their impact. What follows is an overview of the primary forms […]
Weighing Your Options: Promoting vs Hiring Externally
It’s a quite common dilemma to figure out if you need to hire externally or promote from within to see improvement with your business. There are benefits to both. We will now go over the pros and cons to each side. Hiring Externally Pros Can help a company gain new perspectives – Oftentimes, hiring a new […]
Projects That Add to the Value of Your Home
You only have to look at the number of home remodeling shows on television to understand just how many people enjoy watching others upgrade their living spaces. These popular home remodeling shows have inspired many people to try their own hands at various remodeling projects. If you are interested in having work done on your […]
An HSA Can Also Be Used to Save for Retirement
Health savings accounts (HSAs) were created as a savings vehicle to help people pay out-of-pocket medical expenses. If qualified, you can establish an HSA in much the same way you establish a traditional savings account or an individual retirement account. You can open one with a lump-sum payment or through regular contributions, usually through paycheck […]
Rating Bonds
Before you add bonds to your portfolio, you should understand how they work and what variations exist among them. Just as importantly, you need to identify the risks that come with owning bonds and how you can protect yourself from them. Bond Basics Bonds are essentially IOUs, issued by federal, state, and municipal governments as […]
Starting Your Own Business: The Essentials for New Entrepreneurs
Once you have an idea, starting a business can be very exciting, but also daunting. It is important to map everything out before you start to avoid potential pitfalls down the road. Here is a guide to set up your new business for financial success. Know Your Market It is crucial to conduct research on […]
Signs You’re Ready to Invest in Additional Properties
Investing in real estate can be a lucrative endeavor, offering the potential for long-term financial stability and wealth accumulation. However, knowing when to expand your portfolio and acquire additional properties requires careful consideration and assessment of various factors. In this article, we’ll explore the signs that indicate you’re ready to take the leap into investing […]
Double Taxation: How Small Businesses Can Avoid It in the U.S.
Double taxation is a significant concern for small business owners in the United States. It occurs when the same income is taxed twice: once at the corporate level and again at the individual level when profits are distributed as dividends. This situation can create a financial burden for small businesses, affecting their ability to reinvest […]
How to Determine If You Should File Taxes Jointly or Separately When Married
When it comes to filing taxes, married couples have the option to file either jointly or separately. Deciding which filing status to choose can significantly impact your tax liability and potential refunds. Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each option is crucial for making an informed decision. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you determine […]
Frequently Asked Questions About Estimated Taxes
Quarterly Estimated Tax Payments can be a nightmare for business owners to determine how much they owe the IRS. Here is our guide for Frequently Asked Questions regarding Estimated Taxes. What are Estimated Taxes? Estimated Taxes are taxes that are paid to the IRS throughout the year on earnings that are not withheld from the […]